Two-Week Summer Workout Bootcamp

Kickstart your summer fitness routine with this two-week summer workout bootcamp program.

3 min read

Fitness Programs

a group of people are working out outdoors

Kickstart your summer fitness routine with this two-week summer workout Bootcamp program. This 2-week workout Bootcamp program is designed to target key muscles in your body to increase strong lean muscle mass and challenge your cardiovascular system to increase your overall fitness level. Each week will include three Bootcamp workouts, three workout finishers, and three 30-minute low-intensity cardio sessions.


Bootcamp Workouts

This program includes three Bootcamp workouts each week. Follow along as I instruct you through each exercise and rep. I can’t promise every workout is going to be easy, but I can promise that I will be there with you every step of the way, struggling through every last rep. While the workouts may not be easy, the exercises are selected with beginners in mind. So, whether you’re a beginner, or a fitness expert who’s taken a few too many weeks or months off, this program is a great place to start.


Workout Finishers

I want to preface by noting these workout finishers are optional. Think of these finishers as a quick burn out round to finish off your Bootcamp workout. While the bulk of the work will be done during your Bootcamp workouts, these finishers are designed for those who want to go above and beyond.

My advice? See how your body feels after completing the Bootcamp workouts to determine if your body can handle the additional load of the finishers. If you’re a true beginner, the Bootcamp workouts alone will be a great place to start. As a beginner, it’s important to work up to extended periods of exercise, and the Bootcamp workouts should be more than enough to get you started. Listen to your body and do what’s best for you. You can always extend this program by several weeks, just completing the regular workouts in this program for 2-6 weeks, before adding on that next level of finishers at the end of each workout.


Cardio of Choice

As a part of the program, I’ve scheduled three 30-minute low-intensity cardio sessions. Your goal for these sessions should be to maintain a comfortable, conversational pace, and just simply move your body. Light cardio is a great way to burn calories while being a little lighter on the muscles and intensity than some of the exercises we will be doing in our Bootcamp classes.

If you have a cardio machine, feel free to put it to use for these workouts - rowing, walking, jogging, running, cycling, stepping, etc. are all welcome. I don’t want these sessions to be boring or dreaded. I encourage you to find something you enjoy, even if it is out of the box. For example, hiking, tennis, soccer or a game of HORSE in the park with your kids. Take your family for a walk around the neighborhood after dinner. Get creative, and feel free to mix these sessions as you see fit.


Equipment Needed:

  • Dumbbells
  • Jump Rope (optional)
  • Yoga Mat (optional)


Week One



Tuesday: 30 Minutes of Cardio of Choice




Thursday: 30 Minutes of Cardio of Choice




Saturday: 30 Minutes of Cardio of Choice


Sunday: Reset Day


Week Two



Tuesday: 30 Minutes of Cardio of Choice




Thursday: 30 Minutes of Cardio of Choice




Saturday: 30 Minutes of Cardio of Choice


Sunday: Reset Day


Congrats, you did it!


I Completed the Summer Workout Bootcamp, What’s Next?

I hope this program helps to kickstart your fitness goals! While this summer workout Bootcamp program was designed for just two weeks, it could definitely be used for longer to continue building on your fitness. If you continue to repeat this workout Bootcamp over the course of several weeks and months, be sure to take note of your progress so you can adjust and continue to see results. As you complete more weeks of the program, you may find you’re in better shape than when you started. There are many indicators of progress besides what you see in the mirror or on the scale.

A great indicator that you’ve made progress is you can complete multiple reps of an exercise that you once had to modify. Another indicator is that you may notice the workouts begin to feel easier. As workouts get easier, be sure to invest in the equipment you need to continue making progress, such as heavier dumbbells.

If you’re looking to change up your workouts or advance your routine, we have several programs that would be a great place to start. Be sure to check out our 4 Week Summer Workout Program, or Workout Plan for the New Year.



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