New Year New You 2022: Workout Plan for a Healthy Life

Hello Sunny fam, and welcome to week one of the New Year New You 2022 Fitness Challenge.

7 min read

Fitness Programs

New Year New You 2022: Workout Plan for a Healthy Life

Hello Sunny fam, and welcome to week one of the New Year New You 2022 Fitness Challenge. Our New Year New You Program is designed to make 2022 your best year yet. This program is 6 weeks long, and this is the week to start it all - week one.

In week one, we’ll be talking all about movement. Get prepared to take a deep dive into why movement is important, what it means to you, and how to get started with your new year fitness goals!

At the end of this article, you’ll find your weekly challenge. So, if you’re ready to enter 2022 with a fresh perspective towards your exercise routine, it all starts here.


New Year New You 2022, Week One: Movement

For so many of us, just moving has been hard to achieve in the past few years. The pandemic hit, and it changed everything. In all honesty, it set me off my healthy habits, and I know I’m not alone.

After many conversations with the Sunny trainer team, we decided that just making the goal to move in week one of 2022 was the best way to get started. It’s a goal that may sound too simple and practical, but a goal that so many of us are currently failing to achieve.


Why is Movement Important?

Movement is incredibly important. We weren’t meant to be sedentary. Research shows when we move - we feel better. Exercise boosts our mental performance, heart health, strength, ability to complete daily tasks and enjoy time with those around us, it gives us confidence, and so much more.

Need motivation? Hear from some of your favorite trainers on why movement is important to them.

"Perhaps the most important thing to remember about movement is it enables a high quality of life to do joyful fun activities. So, if we don’t move, we stagnate. We know that phrase, ‘it takes money to make it’ and similarly it takes energy to make energy. The more we move the more our bodies will want to move."  SAM CANDLER
"Exercise is extremely important not only for all the physical benefits of being stronger and more conditioned, but also the mental and emotional benefits we experience as well. In terms of improving our mood, improving our energy, our ability to focus, making us more productive throughout the day, relieving stress, lowering depression, I mean I could go on and on. It’s honestly one of the best things you can do for yourself."  JAMES KING
"Self-care is not selfish. You’re taking that time for yourself to become a better mom, dad, partner, mother, father, employee, employer. It’s that important time to take for yourself."  DANA SIMONELLI


What Type of Exercise is Best?

Oftentimes when starting a new workout plan or fitness resolution, people will choose a workout based on how they want to look, or what they think is cool, or what they see people doing on Instagram or TikTok...right?

I see people get caught up on all kinds of details like ‘what burns the most calories?’ and ‘what’s most worth my time?’ but then they drop off their new routine within weeks. It won’t matter what exercise you do if you can’t stick with it.

To accomplish a specific goal, it’s helpful to do an activity that moves us towards it. For example, if you have a goal to run a 5K, hopefully running is a part of your workout plan. But if you hate running, maybe consider a different fitness goal. Research shows when we enjoy what we’re doing, we’re a lot more likely to do it.

If you can find enjoyment and spark passion in the activity you choose to do, you’ll be more likely to continue doing it! It may take some trial and error, so be patient, and enjoy the ride.

Keep reading to hear what your favorite Sunny trainers have to say about what workout they think is the best workout for you in 2022.

"I always recommend doing what you enjoy the most. So, whether that is walking, power walking, dancing in your living room. If you’re moving your body and getting your heart rate up and having fun in the process, that’s the best movement."  TINA KIM
"Ideally, [your workout] will support your goals. So, while cross-training is strong…Specificity? That’s king! If you want to swim the English Channel, then hopefully your workout program involves swimming. If you want to build muscle, hopefully, your program involves a good deal of resistance training, but ultimately the best program is the one you’ll do."  SAM CANDLER
"We all have different goals. Some of us want to run faster, some of us want to have better lungs, some of us want to have better stamina, some of us want to get stronger, and some of us just want to move our bodies. So, whatever makes you feel like the best version of you that is challenging you while also making you feel more confident? That’s the best exercise for you."  DOMINIQUE WANINGER


Tips for Getting Started with Your Exercise Routine

My top tip for getting started, is to just start! As silly and simple as it sounds, when you move your body, you get excited to do it again. For me, it only takes one time - one run, one walk, one hike, one strength workout, some yoga - and I’m hooked on how it makes me feel.

That’s why we’ve created our movement challenge (more on this below). The hardest part is setting the date for your workout and getting yourself there. If you can show up for yourself, the hardest part of your workout is done!

Check out these top tips our Sunny trainers were eager to share to help you in your fitness journey in 2022.

"Commit to 10 minutes, 15 minutes of moving your body. Don’t try to go through an entire workout routine. Just do 10-15 minutes and do as much of that workout as you can in those 10 minutes. If you still feel like going, you most likely will continue the workout. But just setting that timer will make it easier to get started, which is often the toughest part for most people."  JAMES KING
"Find a good trainer or coach you really enjoy. It makes it so much easier to pop onto the app, find a video on YouTube, to stay connected on social media to help encourage you to be the best you!"  DOMINIQUE WANINGER
"Another thing is, we are really busy. A lot of us have kids. So, using that as an excuse, ‘we’re busy with the kids’. Get your kids involved in this. Work out with your kids. Find something they enjoy too, it’ll be good for you, and the children as well."  DANA SIMONELLI


Week One Movement Challenge

Challenge: Find a way you enjoy moving, do it 3 times this week.

We all know movement is important - but doing it is easier said than done. No more excuses! This goal is simple and easy to accomplish.

I promise once you start moving, you’re going to be excited about doing it again. Before you know it, you’ll become your own inspiration.

You’ll be amazed at how quickly your mindset shifts from 'I have to’ move to ‘I get to’ move. All you have to do is get moving!


Beyond New Year New You: How to Set the Best New Year’s Fitness Resolution for You

The challenge above is just a small taste of the year to come. It’s meant to get you thinking more than anything and excited to get moving in 2022. So, how to approach your fitness goals after New Year, New You? Don’t worry my friends, I’ve got your back. Below I’ve included my top 4 tips to help you get started.

1. Start a Fitness Journal

So, you’re ready to start working towards some fitness goals? It’s time to ask yourself some important questions.

Why do you move? Who do you move for? What does movement mean to you? In what ways do you enjoy moving?

I encourage you to jot it down in a journal. This is the first step into creating a fitness routine that’s not just a good routine, but one that’s good for you.


2. Take An Inventory Workout

To help narrow down the choices for your workout sessions, I encourage you to answer two questions first.

1) Does this workout help me reach my goals?

2) Do I enjoy this workout?

Keep in mind the best workout will allow you to answer yes to both questions.


3. Set a Calendar Date

Set a date in your calendar. When we mark it down, we set a commitment to ourselves to make it happen. When we complete that action, we take pride in our actions, and that pride fuels our future actions.


4. Start Small

While we all like to dream big, starting small is the path to success. When we set goals - complicated routines, unrealistic schedules, or long workouts can hold us back from setting a goal in motion. Take baby steps!

Just like James said, Start with just 10 minutes of exercise. If you feel like doing more - which you most likely will - great, do more! And if you don’t, you get 10 minutes of amazing exercise which is also an incredible win.

My goal is for you to enjoy the amazing benefits movement has for your body, mind, mood, and life; and, most importantly, to do it in a way you enjoy! Let us know how this first week goes in the comments, Sunny team.


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Belle Angel

My home Gym is all Sunny Health and Fitness machines. I was a gym rat but during the lockdown Covid19 I researched on Amazon the different equipment and I started with the row rider after reading the reviews. What I love the most about SUNNY as a company is the simplicity in setting up the machines that comes 80% I would say ALREADY ASSEMBLED. The instructions are easy to follow and easy to put it together. As of today 10 machines and equipments all from this awesomely fantastic company that has been around for many years satisfactions guaranteed great reputation and good product longevity. Thanks Sunny family