Healthy Homemade Granola Bars

If you love sweet treats, granola bars might be one of your favorite snacks you enjoy throughout the day.

1 min read


Granola Bars on a white board

If you love sweet treats, granola bars might be one of your favorite snacks you enjoy throughout the day. But many store-bought bars are packed with added sugars and preservatives, and actually aren’t much better for you than eating dessert! With these fresh, homemade granola bars, you have full control of the ingredients in your sweet treat.

These bars have less sugar than many store-bought options, and are filled with whole ingredients like chopped nuts, and dried fruit! Meal prep these on the weekend or weeknight and enjoy fresh granola bars for the entire week. Heat up for a few seconds in the microwave before eating, to make the chocolate all melty again!


Dry Ingredients
1 Cup Oatmeal
¾ Cup Whole Wheat Flour
1 Tsp Cinnamon
¼ tsp salt

Wet Ingredients
½ Cup Maple Syrup
⅓ Cup Unsweetened Apple Sauce
¼ Cup Coconut Oil
1 Egg

Other Ingredients
½ Cup Chopped Almonds (or nut of choice)
½ Cup Chopped Hazelnuts (or nut of choice)
½ Cup Chopped Dried Apricots (or dried fruit of choice)
½ Cup Unsweetened Coconut Flakes
½ Cup Dark Chocolate Chips


  1. Combine Dry Ingredients in a bowl.
  2. Combine Wet Ingredients in a bowl.
  3. Combine Wet & dry and mix well.
  4. Fold remaining other ingredients into mixture.
  5. Mix well and pour into 8x8 greased baking dish.
  6. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes.

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