Eloisa Sachs, Fitness Trainer

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Eloisa Sachs, Fitness Trainer

Lover of all things dangerous, hater of nicknames, Price is Right contestant, failed marathon runner. Eloisa is from a small country town in New Mexico, so small the mayor cuts your hair (true statement). She’s always had a lot of energy! She grew up playing sports, dancing, and talking a mile a minute.

She moved to LA to earn her BA from USC. Moving from a small country town to a big city was a change and a challenge. She got so caught up in life and forgot how important it was to move her body.

All the energy she used playing sports turned to anxiety and depression. It was at this time she found running again. For years she used running as a way to meditate. It gave her joy!

She is interested in the mind-body connection and loves to teach the benefits working out has on the mind. She enjoys making people feel stronger and reach their personal goals.

All her workouts are three things: Country practical, City Tactical, Disney Magical.